Theology ~ The Science of God

At Parkway Baptist Church, we have started a journey through systematic theology in our Wednesday night Bible studies, each week at 6:30pm.  A study of theology is nothing more than a life-long investigation into the science of God - a determination to learn of God and His ways.
It will by necessity, remove us from the din of the post-modern diversity cult and submerge us into the distinct, melodic, harmonious music of God’s truth.
Right theology is a symphony of grace - Divine music to rouse the sinner from the cacophony of his self-determination and set him within the splendid crescendo of transcendent worship.
Biblical, systematic theology is not mystical, but revelatory.  It is not philosophical, but propositional.  It is the timeless revelation of God which transforms us from glory to glory.
The quality of one’s theology is not measured by the popularity of its ideas or the practicality of its application, but rather, its consistency with the clear teachings of God’s word.  The sine qua non of Baptist doctrine is our foundational belief in the final authority of scripture in all matters of faith and practice.
“Biblical theology consists in the facts of the Bible, harmonized by scriptural comparison, generalized by scriptural theories, crystalized into scriptural doctrines, and so systematized as to show the system of truth taught, to the full extent that it is a system, and no farther.”  (James Pettigru Boyce, one of the original founders of Southern Seminary in 1859).
Concerning his compendium on Christian Doctrines, J. M. Pendleton said, “…it has been my purpose to present the views of theologians so far as those views accord with the teachings of the scriptures.  The Bible is the only authoritative standard of faith and practice.  The questions in the writing of every chapter have been, “What saith the scripture?”
We have begun our study in systematic theology.  It is our desire that you will join us and that these studies will bring you closer to God.
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